More to Come . . .
Thanks to all of you who have jotted us an email that you have enjoyed our Dartmoor trip diary. You'll have to hang in there as we're headed to VT for a long weekend to peep at some leaves, find some boxes, and enjoy the unseasonably warm great weather predicted. Hopefully, we'll be on track for the continuation of our Saturday evening and our Sunday outing on the Moor on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
As an aside - or as RTRW says "Background information that you don't need to know" - our first installment of the diary took me about 4.5 hours to get ready. And - I had already written the text which I did each day or so while in Dartmoor before the "fuzzies" set in after we returned home. All of the photos used were from Lobsta, who sent each one of the trip attendees their own personal set of cd's with photos. She pared down the list from 1300 to about 600!
Have a great weekend!
posted by Mark and Sue at Wednesday, October 03, 2007
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