We Got Email - Lotsa Email!
Thanks to everyone who sent us email yesterday and today regarding our article on mystery boxes (see below.) Many of the talk lists brought up the article and we hope we raised awareness on this important and rewarding aspect of letterboxing. Almost all were very supportive and agreed with our position - many having just planted or owning mystery boxes that were very sparsely visited. Those that weren't in agreement with us gave their views as to why they didn't plant or pursue mysteries. We appreciate the feedback and the time it took for you all to write us email or post on a talk list.
So - what do we do now? I received an email from someone who will remain nameless this morning that had a wonderful suggestion, we believe. This boxer suggested a National Mystery Letterbox Day - a day when participants plant a box of a mystery nature - whether it be coded clues, a picture, crossword puzzle, etc. Use your imagination. Even if you don't want to be limited to a particular day to post or plant, just be sure that you mention that the box is "part of the National Mystery Day project."
What day do we choose? I already thought to google National Mystery Day and came up empty handed. Does anyone out there in letterboxingdom have a suggestion of a day that we can rename National Mystery Box Day? My only idea was Halloween since that day is surrounded in mystery and mischief. Let us know if you have other ideas. Please be sure that the dates are at least 6 weeks away to allow boxers time to carve and ready their mystery contribution. Once we get a feel for what people want, we'll post a poll on the top 4 or 5 suggested dates and let everyone vote on it.
Start thinking about your boxes and how mysterious you want to be in cluing them. And please email us with your date suggestion!
posted by Mark and Sue at Tuesday, August 15, 2006
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