Mark & Sue Pepe hail from Kensington, CT USA.

After finding our initial box in June 2002, we have since found letterboxes in 18 states and placed them in 13 states; 4 countries: Aruba, Bermuda, The Netherlands, Great Britain; and on a cruise ship! Thanks for stopping by our website and we appreciate your continued support.

"Have fun and just get out there & box!!!"

Email us: (Mark) or (Sue)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Joy of . . .

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I witnessed 2 forms of letterboxing discovery this weekend.

The first was a post on the Newboxers list by someone who is quite new. While surfing our webpage, they noticed and read our Dartmoor Trip Report with the Baker's Dozen from a few years ago. They thanked Sue & I for offering a vehicle that made them feel as if they were there with us on the trip. They were pleased to make the discovery of this Dartmoor report.

The second discovery item was an email from someone who is not new to letterboxing. They were elated to discover a hidden clue on our blog for a box, it turns out, is located very close to where they live! They immediately recognized the clue and were so glad they had found this hidden WOM.

Two instances in as many days of finding something when you didn't expect it - the thrill of discovery. Many of us miss those hidden letterboxing discoveries that proliferate in the file sections of the talk lists to which we belong, or the web pages that we read or even in the talk list posts that we delete because we never understand this person's posts. Clues and hints are everywhere. And finding them can be a thrill in themselves!

We were discussing the evolution of letterboxing with our good friends TeamGreenDragon at the Spring Into Boxing event several weeks ago. Sue & I started in letterboxing about the same time as the dragon and we fondly remembered days gone by on the big list with a cast of character that have since left - to pursue other games or who have gone underground. We remarked that those were really exciting times. Each post was analyzed and it was almost a race, at times, to see who decoded the clue first - Brian or myself. Our emails seem to include "did you see the new clue on ....." It was always self-satisfying when one of us found something the other had not. But we always shared since it was like an unwritten pact.

Those were the days when you weighed each post for a clue - a hint - something that might lead to another wonderful box. Sometimes just a post from one of these characters was enough to signal the presence of some boxing love hidden somewhere in a public file.

The point I'm trying to make here is the thrill of discovery in letterboxing is not always finding the box - or the trip it takes to get there. The thrill of discovery can be finding a precious clue that needs solving for a month of nights and that may, if you've done your homework correctly, lead to a wonderful piece of artwork that has been left for you. That, dear readers, is one of those things we love about this game. The thrill of discovery - there's nothing like it.

We wish you a letterboxing discovery of your own one of these days. One that will take your breath away and make you shout with glee. They surely are moments to remember!

posted by Mark and Sue at Sunday, May 21, 2006