Mark & Sue Pepe hail from Kensington, CT USA.

After finding our initial box in June 2002, we have since found letterboxes in 18 states and placed them in 13 states; 4 countries: Aruba, Bermuda, The Netherlands, Great Britain; and on a cruise ship! Thanks for stopping by our website and we appreciate your continued support.

"Have fun and just get out there & box!!!"

Email us: (Mark) or (Sue)

Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Late Gathering Report

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First of all, I need to apologize for being late with this report. I brought a new camera to the gathering to take pictures to go along with the gathering report - you know, like I always do. Well, I got home and downloaded the pictures to my computer and they were horrible! I had the wrong setting and most of the pictures were blurry. By the time I noticed that at the event, it was almost time to go home!

So - I was just going to pass on this report but then the email started coming in. Where's the report? We're waiting for pictures. Even yesterday on the trail at Hartman Park in Lyme, CT (more about that tomorrow) Sue asked why I didn't write a gathering report. "That's rude," she said. "The organizers worked so hard, the least you can do it write a little something about it."

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Dave, Deanne, Choi and Sue

Anyway, rudeness wasn't my intent! The gathering was a great event. There was a series of 3 different hikes on the trails and we did them all with Choi, Deanne & Dave and a new couple, David & Sara from southern CT. Despite the rain, it was great to be out on the trails and find so many wonderful stamps. Our favorites were TGD's ice cream wagon and Orion's Elsie, the Cow. Another clever find was hidden inside a rusted out truck wreck that was located on the property.

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The rain might have kept some boxers away but the barn was crowded the whole day. The potluck was nice (Mmmmm . . . loved GretchenF's avocado dip.) Had the opportunity to finally meet David of Team New Hampshire and to renew some old friendships.

Best of all, though, was the ice cream sundaes. There were four varieties - we went with the strawberry sorbet - and tons of toppings! Every sundae topping that you could even imagine was there. This was a great gathering. Thanks to all that had anything to do with it. And to top it all off - I was asked when the next gathering was by one of the organizers. I mentioned that the upcoming May 13 Spring into Boxing event was the next one of which I knew. I was then given 8 leftover cases of water to bring to that event with us! Thanks again Ice Scream organizers for a fun event that was enjoyed by all ages!

Update: Check out some event pictures located at Atlas Quest. Click here!

posted by Mark and Sue at Sunday, April 30, 2006