Mark & Sue Pepe hail from Kensington, CT USA.

After finding our initial box in June 2002, we have since found letterboxes in 18 states and placed them in 13 states; 4 countries: Aruba, Bermuda, The Netherlands, Great Britain; and on a cruise ship! Thanks for stopping by our website and we appreciate your continued support.

"Have fun and just get out there & box!!!"

Email us: (Mark) or (Sue)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

No Boxing - There's a . . .

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Doesn't it crack you up about the huge deal some people make about the snow? Every winter we get snow - that happens without fail. And along with the snow comes the media hype on the news shows - crawls at the bottom of every show, cut-ins with the latest snow fall amounts, warnings to be sure you have at least 2 days of food in the house! Tell the truth - how many of you stocked up on milk and eggs and bread?

Where are we living - the middle ages? Don't we have efficient snow removal systems in the Northeast? Don't the snow plows run around the clock to ensure the roads will be in the best shape in a matter of hours? What's a little (or a lot) of snow if you just stay inside and wait it out?

Steve (our youngest son) and I went out about 12:30 today to snowblow what was on the ground at that point - which was about 21." We cleaned that up and will go out again at 8pm to give the driveway one more run. So the wind was blowing a little and the snow was falling quickly - we do live in New England, right? And this is winter, no?

Now hopefully, back to our ordinary lives and we can cancel all the hype and hysteria and snow counts and delays and . . .

posted by Mark and Sue at Sunday, February 12, 2006