Another Message from Boxdn

The following message was posted on the Letterboxing Louisiana
board of Atlas Quest.
Hello Everyone,
Just taking a minute to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. As far as I know by reading different lists that all of our LA, MS boxers are ok, but Sunspyder is still unaccounted for. He lives in Hattisburg, MS and doesn't check his email much. I'll keep trying and update yall when I know something.
Ryan, I'm not sure if you did an update on the site sice the last time I logged on or if it is the computer I'm on but it looks great Bro. You had said you would like to help down here but don't think there is a demand for computer geeks. Well I wish they had someone as talented as you down here cause the data bases they have for finding lost families, and disaster relief really sucks. I've been trying all night to apply for FEMA relief and after filling out five pages of forms the website times out due to the number of applicants. They must have only one server trying to help the hundreds of thousands of displaced people "shakinging head."
I think it's great that you are donating prem. membership for the month of Sept. to help out. For anyone donating money, please make sure that it is going to a real charity and also make sure you note on the check or money order "Katrina disaster." If not, they can use the money for what ever they want. If you don't have money to spare, then dig through the closets and donate old clothes, toys, or anything.
Thank you all again,
Boxdn the Boxing Nut of ???????
If this doesn't make you want to join as an Atlas Quest premium member and go through your closets, nothing ever will!
Get out there & join Atlas Quest as a premium member by clicking the duck below!!! You'll be helping Boxdn and many other fine people whose lives were destroyed by Katrina.
posted by Mark and Sue at Thursday, September 08, 2005
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