Mark & Sue Pepe hail from Kensington, CT USA.

After finding our initial box in June 2002, we have since found letterboxes in 18 states and placed them in 13 states; 4 countries: Aruba, Bermuda, The Netherlands, Great Britain; and on a cruise ship! Thanks for stopping by our website and we appreciate your continued support.

"Have fun and just get out there & box!!!"

Email us: (Mark) or (Sue)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Special Announcements!

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Remember what I said a few days ago about things being slow? Well, I've been getting email like crazy the past few days so I thought this format might be the best format for letting you know what's going on in boxingdom:
[You were so right, Azobox!]

Image hosted by Time is almost up for the CT County Stamp Series! Everyone who completes this series by August 31, 2005 will win a special engraved prize by, you guessed it, The Engraver!

Image hosted by Congratulations to Fish-or-Man who just reached the F-500 mark! Lou's 500th was The Schmoopies "Picnic in The Park" box in Manchester, CT. Great job, Fish-or-Man!

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Image hosted by The Great Lakes Group now has their own official patch, based on the same image that graces the talk list's main page. Contact Wisconsin Hiker for more info. The patches sell for $1.50 each.

Image hosted by We heard that a certain southern letterboxer is working on an Extreme Letterboxing Page! While it won't be ready for a while, we just couldn't resist tempting you with this tidbit.

Image hosted by Heard from Letterboxingbee that that she is hosting the 3rd Annual Boxtober Fest gathering in New Jersey October 15, 2005. The twist is that every attendee is asked to bring non-perishable food items to be donated to a local food bank. With the coming holidays, this is a perfect way to get some letterboxes and help make a holiday meal a little more special for someone less fortunate than ourselves.

Thanks to all of our contributors for helping to get us out of the late summer, non-news doldrums!

posted by Mark and Sue at Thursday, August 25, 2005