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Judy from VA, one of our most vocal Dartmoor travelers, has seen fit to put up a new poll on the big talk list. This poll asks for your vote on the recurring theme of making the website accessible only by some sort of membership and password. While some feel this is exclusionary, others feel that this is an attempt to ensure the integrity and safety of our boxes as they come under the scrutiny of inquiring eyes due to the recent spate of publicity. Vote now to have your voice heard!
In a related bit of publicity news, I have been asked to consult or write a book on letterboxing. The publishing company is very well known and has already published a book on geocaching. The request was spawned after an acquisitions editor took a lengthy tour of this website.
While my initial reaction was filled with fame and the talk show circuit [!], once I came down to earth I decided to nix the idea. Letterboxing does not need another book or more publicity. This "how to" format would leave nothing to the new letterboxer to learn on their own - it would all be handed to them! In my humble opinion, the best part of letterboxing is the discovery of all of the different facets of this hobby. Four very special people helped me reach this decision: Sue and 3 other well-known letterboxers. They reaffirmed my gut feeling and I am truly thankful to them all for I value their opinions and friendship!
posted by Mark and Sue at Thursday, September 09, 2004
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