Loons, Kiwis and Time!
This week, The Maine Loon is our Box of the Week. Placed by Pine Tree while she was on vacation, this is her second box located at Mount Blue State Park in Weld, ME. Maybe you could stop off at this one on your way to this Saturday's A Gathering in the Maine Style, to be held in South Casco, ME. Don't miss this wonderful gathering and grab some of that wonderful Maine tupperware!
Our Poll of the Week relates to the exposure and publicity letterboxing is receiving in this week's Time Magazine. You decide whether it's good or bad for this pastime.
Our Website of the Week is Psychokiwi's Letterboxing Site. While Judi and Linton have moved back to New Zealand, their influence and wonderful letterboxes remain. How about that Vegetarian Chili recipe????
posted by Mark and Sue at Sunday, July 18, 2004
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